NoWritePermission=SWAT 4 requires the permission to write to Swat4.exe's folder. Please run SWAT 4 under a user account that has the appropriate permissions.
AnotherUserAlreadyRunningGame=SWAT 4 is already running on this machine under a different Windows user.
AlreadyRunningGame=SWAT 4 is already running on this machine.
DoesNotMeetMinSpecTitle=Insufficient System Resources
MeetsMinSpec=This machine meets or exceeds the minimum requirements for this game.
MinSpecInformation=The minimum system requirements can be found in the game packaging and manual.
UnsupportedOperatingSystem=This game is not supported on the operating system that is installed on this computer.
InsufficientSystemMemory=This computer has only %d MB of system memory. This game requires at least %d MB of system memory.
InsufficientDirectXVersion=This game requires DirectX 9.0c or later. To play this game you must install DirectX 9.0c or later (see Release Notes for instructions on how to obtain it).
NoHardwareTL=This video card in this computer does not support Hardware Transformation and Lighting. This game requires Hardware Transformation and Lighting support.
InsufficientVideoMemory=The video card in this computer has insufficient onboard video memory. This game requires graphics card with at least %d MB of onboard video memory.
VideoCardUnsupported=The video card in this computer does not meet the minimum video requirements for this game.
NoHardwareAcceleration=This game requires that video hardware acceleration is enabled. 1. In Control Panel->Display->Advanced->Trouble Shooting, ensure that the Hardware Acceleration slider is on full. 2. Run dxdiag and in the Display tab, ensure that Direct3d and DirectDraw acceleration are enabled.
QueryContinueOnNonMinSpec=Playing the game on this hardware is COMPLETELY UNSUPPORTED, UNSTABLE, AND NOT RECOMMENDED. Do you wish to Continue anyway?
NoSoundDeviceInstalled=No sound device was found. This game requires a compatible sound card.
DefaultsButton=Reset To Defaults
BackButton=< &Back
NextButton=&Next >
AgreeButton=I &Agree
LanguageWindow=Language Selection
LogWindow=%s Log Window
PropNone=Nothing Selected
PropSingle=%s Properties
PropMulti=%s Properties (%i selected)
InsertCdText=Please insert the SWAT 4 CD-Rom into your drive and press OK to continue, or Cancel to exit.
InsertCdTitle=Cd Required At Startup
AdvancedOptionsTitle=Advanced Options
Caption=Initial Configuration
LowMemory=SWAT 4 has detected that you have %i megabytes of memory available. To improve performance, the "Low Detail Textures" and "Low Sound Quality" options have been enabled. You may change this settings in the "Performance Settings" menu.
NonMMX=SWAT 4 has detected that you're using a non-MMX PC. Based on this, the sound playback rate has been set to use the least CPU power. You may change this settings in the "Advanced Options / Audio" menu.
Starting=SWAT 4 is starting up with new settings. If you experience any problems, please read the Troubleshooting section of the Release Notes in the "Start" menu.
IDC_Directory=Installation Folder
IDC_ChoosePrompt=Please choose the installation folder.